DIYC – 2023 Fishing Events – Monthly Fishing Tournament

On January 19, 2023, DIYC Fishing Captain held a meeting with DIYC members to discuss the fishing events calendar for 2023. Thank you for those who participated in this meeting and also providing your invaluable ideas. The hot topic was regarding the proposed Monthly Fishing Tournament.

The monthly fishing tournament will allow you to fish on your schedule. You can fish from land or boat. Hired professional fishing Captains are not allowed in the tournament.

Red Drum, Spotted Sea Trout, Flounder and Sheepshead are the targeted species eligible to win. The original format was to have a digital scale and tape measure available at the marina for you to weigh and measure your catch. During the meeting, it was pointed out that some fisherman practice catch and release fishing and will not have the ability to weigh their catch. Therefore, we have decided to do the following:

  1. Each angler will pay a one-time entry fee for the year. This fee will be used for the monthly payouts and each angler will receive a digital scale and tape measure. The entry fee depends on how many people sign up for the tournament.

  2. You will be responsible to take a picture of your catch and fill out the fish application providing the weight and measurement of your fish. Applications can be submitted throughout the month, and the last day of each month will be your final opportunity to submit your catch.

  3. Only one fish from the above target species will win. Only one winner, unless we have a tie, then the proceeds will be divided between the two or several monthly winners.

  4. If no fish are entered for a specific month, then the winning amount will roller over to the next month.

  5. All sizes of your monthly catch from the targeted species will be eligible. If you catch an undersized fish, for example a 13 inch spotted Sea Trout (DNR Regulations Min. 14 inches), you can enter this fish, and then you must release this undersized fish. Therefore, you can practice catch and release fishing. The same will apply for slotted Red Drum.

  6. Applications must be received on or before the last day of the month and the winner will be paid on or before the 15th of the following month. A DIYC fishing panel will be formed to review all applications. The fishing panel will provide a monthly list of applicants and winners.

  7. The monthly tournament will start in March 2023 and end December 2023.

  8. There will be three (3) meetings in February on fishing to prepare us for the tournament.

    1. Sunday 2/5/2023, 2-5 pm Community Center, Rigging Part 1

    2. Sunday 2/12/2023, 2-5 pm Community Center, Rigging Part 2

    3. Sunday 2/26/2023, 2-5 pm Fishing Seminar. Will cover Fishing Tournament

Details regarding the above seminars will be emailed to you by the end of January. The first meeting, Rigging Part 1, is where you bring your fishing rods and reels and we can determine if your current gear will work here in the Low Country and what if any tackle you will need. If you have no gear, then you should come to this meeting and we can set you up with new gear. The second meeting, Rigging Part 2, will be to rig your current gear or provided you a complete new rod/reel setup.

DIYC – 2023 Fishing Events – Calendar

2/5/2023 Rigging Seminar, Part 1. Community Center Multipurpose Room. 2-5 pm

2/12/2023 Rigging Seminar, Part 2. Community Center Multipurpose Room. 2-5 pm

2/26/2023 Fishing Seminar. Will cover crabbing, fishing, cleaning fish and review Monthly Tournament Multipurpose Room 2-5 pm

March – December, Monthly Fishing Tournament

March – Shrimping Seminar. Includes casting demonstration.

April – Inshore Chartered Cobia Fishing with Professional Captains

May or June – Offshore Chartered Fishing with Professional Captains

7/11/2023 – Camp Dataw. Will need volunteers to help with crabbing with the kids

Hope to see you all at the first rigging seminar on 2/5/2023. We can determine the number of people that want to participate in the Monthly Fishing Tournament and set the entry fee. Please send me an email if you are interested in competing in the Monthly Fishing Tournament.

Thank you,
DIYC 2023 – Fishing Captain, Craig Manicki
Email: Phone: 949 375 2173